Wickham Market & District Gardening Club

Let's go

Our Club

Anyone interested in learning a little more about gardening is most welcome to come and join us.  Club membership is neither expensive nor in any sense exclusive.  Our Membership Secretary will be pleased to give you more information.  You can contact us by email or through our contact us page.


We hold meetings in Wickham Market Village Hall (IP13 0HE) at 7.30 pm on the third Thursday of most months, with speakers on all sorts of garden related topics.  We resorted to Zoom during the various COVID lockdowns and we are wondering if Zoom has a place in our future, perhaps during the cold wet winter months.  We make no charge for occasional interested visitors to our meetings, so why not come along and give us a try?

We also arrange visits to interesting gardens and nurseries during the summer months.

On the second Saturday in September we hold a Flower and Vegetable Show in the Wickham Market Village Hall.  This is open to the public from 2 – 5 pm on the Saturday and the Sunday. We are always keen to attract new exhibitors to our Show: both experienced growers from the surrounding area and those who may be new to the idea of Showing their produce.  Our Autumn Show page has much more information.

There is a monthly newsletter called Rake’s Progress that all members receive.  This has reports on recent activities and details of future attractions, together with news of local events, gardening tips and weather reports. The Club is affiliated to the Royal Horticultural Society.  To see the latest Club News click here

You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter by clicking on the links.

You can leave a comment, or make a suggestion, on our Contact us page also 

Upcoming Events

July Visit

Thursday  18th July

Our Garden Visit this July is to Green Island Gardens near Colchester.  Full details will be included in Rake’s Progress, nearer the time, but we shall be arranging car sharing.

The August Meeting – Summer Garden Party

Thursday  15th August

Once again we will be going to a members’ garden in the Village.

This is a members only event and full details will be included in Rake’s Progress

The 47th Annual Autum Show

Saturday and Sunday  14th/15th September

In September we have our Autumn Show.  Fulldetails are already available on this website, including a downloadable entry from.  What are you waiting for!

Printed copies of the Show Schedule will be available in the Village during August.

The October Meeting

Thursday  15th August

Our speaker for October Is Lucy Skelton and her topic is “My family and other Irises”.  An intriguing title and I am sure a fascinating talk.

As usual 7.30 pm in the Village Hall.  Visitors are always welcome.